Open studio Chiara Capellini



Fondation CAB Saint-Paul de Vence is pleased to present its 9th artist-in-residency, Chiara Capellini (Milano) on the 13 February from 12 to 6 pm for her open studio.

“What’s inside what we call nothingness?
quantum fluctuations?
and if we could observe empty space, would it still be empty?
Or perhaps it exists in another dimension that we can’t see because we’re observing it?
why do we find so little energy in empty space if we know there’s a lot of dark energy?
and why, the closer we get to zero, instead of finding less, we always find something infinite?
what is this powerful calm we find in the utterly nothing?

I paint using a process of material subtraction, to reach the minimum possible and the deepest depths of vision.
staying in the nothing eliminates a lot of noise and allows us to contemplate the essential, infinitely.
I’ve always been looking for a place to stay and look for a long time, a quantum place with no end, before we say end.”